7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
0 commenti 19 Ottobre 2018

E’ stata da poco pubblicata la call for paper della 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise – dal titolo “Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action” – che si terrà dal 24 al 27 giugno 2019 presso la Sheffield Hallam University (UK).

La conferenza EMES si pone l’obiettivo di riunire la comunità scientifica internazionale impegnata sui temi dell’impresa sociale, dell’economia sociale e solidale, dell’innovazione sociale, dello sviluppo cooperativo e del volontariato. 

E’ organizzata da EMES International Research Network, in collaborazione con FairShares Institute for Cooperative Social Entrepreneurship (FSI) e Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) della Sheffield Hallam University.

La call for paper rimarrà aperta fino all’8 gennaio 2019.

La conferenza si muoverà lungo 10 assi tematici:

  1. Concepts and models of social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action (SE)
  2. Resourcing social, cooperative and voluntary action
  3. Social innovation and entrepreneurship
  4. SE as a site for radical forms of democracy, participation and action
  5. Multi-Level governance and eco-systems for SE and sustainable development
  6. Public policy and legal frameworks for SE
  7. The commons and collaborative economy through SE
  8. Social solidarity and transformative movements
  9. Substantive economy and Polanyian approaches to SE research and practice
  10. Epistemological, methodological and pedagogic innovations / advancements in SE

Buon lavoro!
